When to bend your knees

In 2019 I went on a ringing trip to Calgary with some of the other Vancouver ringers. Among other things, we rang a quarter peal of Plain Bob Minor with three Vancouver ringers and three Calgary ringers! Before we started, Anne Hutton said, “Every time you make seconds, bend your knees.” I had previously experiencedContinue reading “When to bend your knees”

Bell Handling Tricks – Number Four Will Shock You!

I have been ringing for 6.5 years but I am still learning things about handling! Teaching in a tower with a very long draught will cause this. Here are a few of the things I’ve noticed recently (I don’t really think number four will shock anyone but you never know!): Have you noticed any weirdContinue reading “Bell Handling Tricks – Number Four Will Shock You!”

A Minimus Method Visualization Tool

This post is about a visualization tool I developed in an attempt to show how change-ringing methods sound different from each other. Here I’ll look specifically at the minimus version. There are eleven plain minimus methods that contain all 24 permutations of four in their plain course. In change-ringing terms, the plain course is theContinue reading “A Minimus Method Visualization Tool”